Engine Company 3 began its life sometime in 1852 as “Croton No. 3, named after the Croton Aqueduct in New York State. Eventually No. 3 moved to serve from Monroe Street between Superior & St. Clair, from department records in 1858. Sometime around 1868, No. 3 found her way to 315 Water Street, between Madison & Adams.
In 1885, No. 3 was erected to serve as a Station Headquarters at Jefferson & Ontario Streets. Records show that this station housed a Babcock Aerial Turntable Extension Hook & Ladder, a Seagrave Hook & Ladder, Muskegon Chemical Engine, and a Milburn Hose Wagon.
On May 17, 1913, a gas tractor was attached to an engine stationed at No.3, and was able to reach the speed of 25 m.p.h. This was a tractor made by Knox Tractor Co. of Sprinfield Massachusetts.
In 1918, No. 3 station was rebuilt on the site of the razed former station, which was built in 1885, at Jefferson & Ontario.
In 1931, No. 3 moved to 20 North Superior on March 3, site of the old jail. The old station at Jefferson & Ontario was abandoned.
In 1953 a new Station 1 was constructed at 545 North Huron Street which brought the closure of Station 2 and Station 3. It was at this time that the original Station 1, at the corner of Bush & Erie Streets was designated as Station 3 which continues to serve the neighborhood today.