About The Field Operations Bureau
While the Field Operations Bureau manages several bureaus, the main focus is managing the day-to-day operations of the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department. The collection and evaluation of data pertinent to the operation of the department is done on a continuous basis in an effort to promote growth and ensure effective procedures. Bureaus that fall under the Field Operations Bureau include Safety, twenty-two buildings under Building maintenance, involvement in the planning and construction of new fire stations, and the apparatus of the department under the Fleet Vehicle Maintenance.
Field Operations Bureau
The Toledo Fire & Rescue Department’s daily emergency response personnel are managed under a “platoon” system. This system consists of three platoons organized as Platoons A, B, and C. Each platoon works a 24-hour tour of duty, or “shift”, with 48 hours off duty. The minimum daily staffing of our 19 fire stations is 110 firefighters which includes officers, such as Lieutenants and Captains. Each station has a Captain assigned as the Station Commander/Company Commander, charged with the responsibility of the condition of their station, and all the apparatus and equipment of the department stored within. Stations also have Lieutenants assigned as Company Commanders whose responsibilities include command of one or more units and the members assigned during their tour of duty.
The City of Toledo is divided into three Battalions, 1, 2, and 3. Each Battalion is managed by a Battalion Chief, with one of these Battalion Chiefs assigned as “Senior” Battalion Chief who is responsible for citywide staffing and activities.
Toledo Fire & Rescue Department operates with 18 Engines, 2 Squads, 3 Ladder Trucks, 10 B.L.S.Transport Units, and 6 A.L.S. Transport (Paramedic) Units. Included with responding to emergencies, line personnel responsibilities include: training, building familiarization, and maintenance of apparatus, equipment, and station.
In addition to day-to-day emergency response, Toledo Fire & Rescue also deploys several technical rescue teams: Hazardous Materials Team, Confined Space/Trench Rescue, Water Rescue, High-Angle Rope Rescue, along with a Fire Boat.
Fleet Maintenance Bureau
The Fleet Maintenance Bureau has four members assigned to this area, with one being the Wheel Officer. Duties that fall under their responsibility include maintenance and repair of all S.C.B.A.’s, or self-contained breathing apparatus, preventative maintenance and repair of 49+ pieces of front line and reserve apparatus, and, 48 passenger vehicles assigned to the department. Fire Vehicle Maintenance is also responsible for coordinating the N.F.P.A. (National Fire Protection Association) requirements for the testing of all fire hose, ground ladders, fire pumps, and aerial mounted ladder trucks.
Fleet maintenance Bureau is charged with the responsibility of requisitioning, receipt, and issuance of all supplies and equipment for the upkeep and maintenance of all department apparatus, tools, equipment, and station housekeeping. They repair all equipment and tools, and are required to stay current on development of fire equipment so that the newest and best equipment can be purchased and deployed. Fleet Maintenance Bureau writes the specifications, tests, and either accepts or rejects all new apparatus for the department.
The fire boat is in service during the normal summer boating season. The responsibilities of the fire boat include assisting the dive water rescue crew, responding to fires along the water front, standing by at fireworks, regattas and other activities along the river, responding to boat fires, and assisting the Police and the Coast Guard for injuries happening on boats.
Safety Bureau
Our firefighters are the most valuable asset in the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department. Keeping our firefighters safe in the dynamic and ever evolving fire service is accomplished through the development and management of safety training for department personnel.
The Safety Bureau brings over 100 years of combined firefighting experience to help reduce injuries and protect our firefighters through training sessions that focus on high-risk activity. The Staff Safety Officer works closely with our Line Safety Officers developing training programs for our fire companies based on trends and research in the modern fire service. This information is passed on through daily interaction with our line crews.
The Staff Safety Officer, radio designation Unit 136, working an 8 hour shift develops training programs and carries them out with support from each Line Safety Officer. The Line Safety Officer, radio designation Unit 134, operates out of station #9 and responds to all significant incidents that require a safety sector branch to support our incident management system. The Line Safety Officers work directly under and support the incident commander with safety and tactical support.
Building Maintenance Bureau
The department has taken the task of maintaining our own buildings by establishing the Building Maintenance in January, 2013. This building maintenance includes 19 fire stations, the Fire Maintenance Shop (apparatus), Headquarters, Training Academy, and building maintenance facility. Two maintenance employees, operating out of our maintenance facility, have been assigned to the department with the focus of the maintenance and repair of department facilities.
Department Staff
Deputy Chief Bryce Blair was appointed to the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department in 1993. He achieved his E.M.T. – Paramedic certification in the same year that he was promoted to Lieutenant, 2000. In 2006, he was promoted to Captain. His promotion to Battalion Chief came in 2012.During his career, Deputy Chief Blair has been assigned to Communications Bureau as Dispatch Supervisor, House Captain of Station 5, and shift officer at Station 19.
Deputy Chief Blair holds certifications as a Divemaster and Fire Service Instructor. He has training in Rope Rescue, Confined Space/Trench Rescue, and Structural Collapse.
Deputy Chief Blair has attained a Bachelors degree form Miami University, a Master degree from University of Toledo, and recently completed his Doctorate from Bowling Green State University. Currently he is the Deputy Chief of the Operations, Building Maintenance Bureau, and Fleet Maintenance Bureau.
Battalion Chief Dexter Baker was appointed to the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department on March 22, 1996. He was promoted to Captain on March 15, 2013 and served as the Captain of station 25 until his promotion to Battalion Chief on May 18, 2017.
Battalion Chief Baker currently serves as Battalion Chief of Field Operations.
Field Operations Bureau
545 N. Huron
Toledo, OH 43604
Phone: 419-936-3507
Fax: 419-936-3097