/ Bureaus
The programs and personnel of the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department are organized into eight distinct bureaus.
The programs and personnel of the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department are organized into eight distinct bureaus.
The Operations Bureau manages Field Operations, Fleet Maintenance, Investigative Services, and the Safety Section.
The Fire Prevention Bureau is charged with the duty and responsibility of enforcing the fire code.
The Emergency Medical Services Bureau (EMS) supports firefighters and paramedics who provide care to citizens who have become injured or acutely ill.
The Bureau of Special Operations/Homeland Security prepares and responds to Chemical, Biological, Incendiary, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBIRN) Incidents.
The Training Bureau is responsible for conducting training for members from the time they are hired until they retire.
The Communications Bureau receives and acts on phone, radio or computer messages from 9-1-1 operators, the general public or other agencies.
Members of the Fire Investigation Unit are trained arson investigators with police powers.
The Bureau of Professional Standards helps maintain the high level of integrity and professionalism set by the Fire & Rescue Department.